Documentation for the Fasten Connect API
All sensitive API endpoints require authentication using the Public ID & Private Key generated in the Fasten Connect dashboard.
This is done using Basic Authentication, where the Public ID is the username and the Private Key is the password.
Remember, when generating the Basic Auth header manually, the Public Id and Private Key must be concatenated with a colon :
and then base64 encoded.
The resulting string should be prefixed with Basic
and included in the Authorization
header of the request.
For example, if your Public ID is public_test_123456324234234
and your Private Key is private_test_9u2orjsd02lk3)i03423
then the field’s value is the Base64 encoding of public_test_123456324234234:private_test_9u2orjsd02lk3)i03423
Then the Authorization header field will appear as: